Other Material and Public Service Announcements

Your Skin Is In

Your Skin Is In is an educational program encouraging college students to make a personal promise that they will protect the skin they’re in. Over the past 10+ years, IMPACT Melanoma has traveled the country exposing over 1 million students to this interactive educational program.

The Your Skin Is In eLearning program has gone national! Click here to learn more!

Curriculum for Health Courses

This teaching case can be used in any undergraduate or graduate course in the health professions (e.g., public health, nursing, psychology, health communications, health sciences).

STRIPED UV tanning teaching case: http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/striped/teaching-cases/some-skin-in-the-game/

Other material and Public Service Announcements

American Academy of Dermatology – Arms Skin Cancer PSA:

The Dangers of Indoor tanning:

Indoor tanning stats and facts:

Centers for Disease Control – Skin Cancer — Sun Safety:

David Cornfield Melanoma Fund – Dear 16 year old me:

IMPACT Melanoma – Exposed young melanoma survivors video:

Melanoma Research Fund – Why is Tanning Dangerous?:

US Food and Drug Administration: How the sun sees you
Indoor Tannings – The risks of ultraviolet radiation: